25 year old female with SOB

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient’s de- identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient’s clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book reflects my patient centered online portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comments is welcome

Name :- K Pranati 
Roll no:- 168

Date :- 31/5/23 

A 25yr old female came with chief complaints of SOB Grade II - III  since 6 months 

History of present illness :- 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic until 2016 then developed headache, occipital region more, insidious in onset , gradually progressive, prominent with nausea and occasional vomitings, associated with photophobia, phonophobia, no lacrimation , no aggravating factors and relieved with medication.
She also had difficulty in writing ( associated with pain at tips ) and on investigation was found to have low hemoglobin (also had SOB, grade I - III ) jaundice and so, reports - Hb electrophoresis S/o HbE and mild iron deficiency anemia and was treated accordingly
In dec 2022 , patient had right hypochondric region pain , and on USG abdomen --> gallstones present and was operated for it.
Laproscopy cholecystectomy done.
In Feb 2022, patient experienced polyphagia, polydyspsia , nocturia present (3-4 times) and went for dental checkup , and on investigation , was found to have high sugars and was diagnosed to have diabetes, and since then she was on regular medication, presently using Tab.Lipoglobin HP BD and Tab. Vildamne 50 2 tabs (night).
Now SOB grade II - III increased since 6 months 

Past history :- 
Known case of diabetes mellitus since 1yr on medication Tab.Lipoglobin HP BD and Tab. Vildamne 50 2 tabs (night).
Not a known case of thyroid disorders , HTN , asthma 
No chest pain and no orthopnea 

Personal history:- 

Diet- eggtarian 
Appetite - decreased
Sleep - adequate 
Bowel and bladder- regular 
No allergies 
Addiction - teetotaler 
Tobacco - snuff 

Family history:- 

Grand father has diabetes mellitus II 

Menstrual history:- 

Aom- 13yrs 
Menstrual cycle - 7/30-35days 

General examination:- 

Patient is conscious, coherent, co operative 

Pallor present 
No icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lympadenopathy , edema 


Temp:- 98f 
Pr- 96bpm 
Rr- 16cpm 
Bp- 120/80mm hg 
Spo2- 96% 
Grbs- 309 mg/dl 

Systemic examination:- 

Cvs- S1S2 heard , no murmurs 
Rs- BAE present , NVBS present 
P/A - soft , non tender 

FBS- 191mg/dl 
PLBs:- 241mg/dl
HBA1C : 6.7 
HEMOGLOBIN:- 6gm/dl 
 TLC- 7,800
 PLT- 92,000

Provisional diagnosis:- 

Metabolic syndrome with diabetes HbE thalassemia 


 Tab.Lipoglobin HP BD 
 Tab. Vildamne 50 
Tab. Metformin 1000mg PO/OD 
Tab.folic acid 5mg PO/BD
Tab. Orofer XT PO/OD

Discharge summary


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